Git Good (Enough)

A graphical introduction to Git

The Problem with Git Tutorials

Git Graphs

   branch develop
   checkout develop
   checkout main
   merge develop
   checkout develop
   checkout main
   branch fix_1
   checkout main
   merge fix_1
   checkout develop

Git Graphs: Setup


  • We have just created an empty directory
  • We are going to write some code
  • Then make some changes
  • and manage it all with git

Git Graphs

First we init the repo, then create a new file.
def add_numbers(num1, num2):
    """Add two things together"""
    answer = num1 + num2
    print(f"{num1} + {num2} is {answer}")

add_numbers(2, 2)

Git init

The init creates a new repo in the specified directory.

# Create a repo from scratch
mkdir new
git init new

# or leave off the path for current directory
cd new
git init

Git Graphs: Add

We add modified files so git knows we may want to save them.

< >

[+1] def add_numbers(num1, num2):

[+2] “““Add two things together”“”

[+3] answer = num1 + num2

[+4] print(f”{num1} + {num2} is {answer}“)


[+6] add_numbers(2, 2)

Git Add

The add command stages files, which means they are marked to be saved.

# add particular file
git add

# add all files
git add -A

# add all python files
git add *.py

# add all files in a folder
git add my_folder

Git Graphs: Commit

Then commit to saving them. Note the Tag.

[9d6b7c…] < >

[+1] def add_numbers(num1, num2):

[+2] “““Add two things together”“”

[+3] answer = num1 + num2

[+4] print(f”{num1} + {num2} is {answer}“)


[+6] add_numbers(2, 2)

Git Commit

The commit command saves the changes we added (staged). Add a message in the commit command or an editor will open automatically.

# commit staged changes with a simple message
git commit -m "simple message"

# add all changes to previously committed files
# but wont add new files
git commit -am "simple message"

Git Graphs: Commit

This creates our first commit (dot) on the default branch (main).

“HEAD” refers to the latest commit on the current branch.

   commit id: "9d6b7c"

Commit Hash

The structure of the full commit HASH:


A very long string of hexadecimal numbers (0-9 and a-f)

Fortunately, you can reference a commit with a few of the left characters:


Git Graphs: Commit

Each commit has metadata.

[9d6b7c…] (HEAD, main)


Derrick Chambers


>Mon Sep 26 20:11:10 2022 -0600


work on myscript

Git Show

The show can be used to see metadata about a commit

# show metadata about 9d6b7c and its diff
git show 9d6b7c

# suppress the diff
git show --quiet 9d6b7c

Git Graphs: Modify

Next, we make some changes.
def add_numbers(num1, num2):
    """Add two things together"""
    answer = num1 + num2
    print(f"{num1} + {num2} is {answer}")

add_numbers(2, 2)

Git Graphs: Modify

Next, we make some changes.
def add_numbers(num1, num2):
    """Add two things together"""
    return num1 + num2

assert add_numbers(1, 1) == 2

Git Graphs: Diff

Then diff to see difference between saved and current state.

< >

[-3] answer = num1 + num2

[-4] print(f”{num1} + {num2} is {answer}“)

[-6] print(f”{num1} + {num2} is {answer}“)

[+3] return num1 + num2

[+5] assert add_numbers(1, 1) == 2

Git Diff

The diff commands shows changes between commits, files, branches, etc.

# diff between last commit and unstaged changes
git diff

# diff between two commits
git diff 9d6b7c 046a7a

# diff between a file on latest commit for
# two different branches
git diff

Git Graphs: Add (again)

Then add the changes.

< >

-4 answer = num1 + num2

-5 print(f”{num1} + {num2} is {answer}“)

-7 add_numbers(2, 2)

+3 return num1 + num2

+5 assert add_numbers(1, 1) == 2

Git Graphs: Commit (again)

And finally commit them.


< >

-4 answer = num1 + num2

-5 print(f”{num1} + {num2} is {answer}“)

-7 add_numbers(2, 2)

+3 return num1 + num2

+5 assert add_numbers(1, 1) == 2

Git Graphs

Which adds a new commit to our main branch.

   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"

Knowledge Check

   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"

  • What is main?
  • What is 046a7a?
  • What information does it contain?
  • What commit does “HEAD” refer to?

Git Graphs: Branch

We can create branches with their own commits

(think parallel universe)

   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"
   branch branch_1
   commit id: "2-a577878"
   commit id: "3-c17d954"

Git Branch

The branch command is used to see, create, and destroy branches.

# list local branches
git branch

# list all branches (local and remote)
git branch -a

# create a new branch
git branch new_branch

# delete a branch
git branch --delete new_branch

Git Graphs: Merge

Then merge branches (e.g., back into main)

   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "1-046a7a"
   branch branch_1
   commit id: "4c0f818"
   commit id: "221d22"
   checkout main
   merge branch_1

Git Merge

The merge command joins branches together.

# ensure current branch is main
# or HEAD is latest commit of main
git checkout main

# merge branch_1 into current branch
git merge branch_1

Git Graphs: Merge

Which has the same effect (on the code) as committing on main

   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"
   commit id: "4c0f818"
   commit id: "221d22"

Git Graphs: Merge

But what if changes are made on main before the merge?

   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"
   branch branch_1
   commit id: "4c0f818"
   commit id: "221d22"
   checkout main

Git Graphs: Merge

We can still merge branch_1 into main but….

there might be conflicts

   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"
   branch branch_1
   commit id: "4c0f818"
   commit id: "221d22"
   checkout main
   merge branch_1

Git Graphs: Merge

What should happen if the changes aren’t compatible?

  • Prioritize changes on main?
  • Prioritize changes on branch_1?
  • Make the merger sort it out?

Make the merger sort it out!

Git Conflicts

Dealing with conflicts isn’t fun (in git or life). Here are a few commands that might help.

# abort merge (after conflicts show up)
git merge --abort

# list files with merge conflicts
git diff --name-only --diff-filter=U --relative

When all else fails

Git Graphs: Conflicts

Example: on main (main)
A script to practice using functions.

A brilliant script written by Derrick.

Git Graphs: Conflicts

Example: on branch_2 (branch_2)
A script to practice using functions.

A really dumb script written by Peiyao.

Git Graphs: Conflicts after merge command (merge conflict)
A script to practice using functions.

<<<<<<< HEAD
A brilliant script written by Derrick.
A really dumb script writen by Peiyao.
>>>>>>> branch_2

Git Graphs: Conflicts

Next, manually edit so it is correct (resolved)
A script to practice using functions.

A brilliant script written by Derrick.

Knowledge Check

Now that we have fixed the file:

  • What do we need to do next?
  • And after adding the changes?
  • What would be a good message for this commit?

Git Graphs: Tag

Commits can be be tagged (usually with a version)

   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a" tag: "v1.0.0"
   commit id: "4c0f818"
   commit id: "221d22" tag: "v1.1.0"

Git Tag

Tag is like adding an alias to refer to a commit with a shorter string. Usually, but not always, tags are used for versioning.

# list tags
git tag

# tag HEAD with version number
git tag v1.0.1

# Tag head with version, add annotation
git tag -a v1.0.1 -m "my favorite version"

# Show info about tags
git show v1.0.1

Git Graphs: Cherry-Pick

Commits can be Cherry-Picked

   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"
   branch develop
   commit id: "dc12a2"
   commit id: "ca2259"
   checkout main
   commit id: "4c0f818"
   commit id: "221d22"

Git Graphs: Cherry-Pick

Commits can be Cherry-Picked

   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"
   branch develop
   commit id: "dc12a2"
   commit id: "ca2259"
   checkout main
   commit id: "4c0f818"
   commit id: "221d22"
   commit id: "dc12a2"

Git Cherry-Pick

The cherry-pick command allows you to apply as single commit (from any branch) to HEAD. Watch out though, you can still get conflicts.

# Make sure HEAD is the last commit on main branch
git checkout main

# cherry pick a commit from a different branch to main
git cherry-pick 221d227eea

Git Graphs: Rebase

Branches can be rebased

   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"
   branch develop
   commit id: "dc12a2"
   commit id: "ca2259"
   checkout main
   commit id: "4c0f818"
   commit id: "221d22"

Git Graphs: Rebase

Branches can be rebased.

   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"
   commit id: "4c0f818"
   commit id: "221d22"
   branch develop
   commit id: "dc12a2"
   commit id: "ca2259"

Git Rebase

The rebase command changes the starting point of a branch. MIt is often used to bring changes back into a feature branch from the main branch.

Rebase changes the git history. Make sure no one else is working on the branch before rebasing.

# navigate to a feature branch
git checkout branch_1

# apply all the missing main commits from main
# onto branch_1
git rebase main

Git Graphs: Reset

HEAD can be reset, keeping or discarding commits/unsaved changes.

   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"
   commit id: "4c0f818"
   commit id: "221d22"

Git Rest

The reset command cab be used to undo commits or staging.

# Undo git add
git reset

# Erase all unsaved changes
git reset --hard

# Remove last three commits, keep changes as staged
git reset --soft HEAD~3

Git Graphs: Reset Soft

Soft reset

   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"
   commit id: "Unsaved" type: HIGHLIGHT

Git Graphs: Reset Hard

Hard reset

   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"


All commits and unsaved work after “046a7a” really are gone…

Git Graphs: Reset Hard

Hard reset

Git Graphs: Squash

Commits can be squashed (combined)

   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"
   commit id: "4c0f818"
   commit id: "221d22"

Git Graphs: Squash

Commits can be squashed (combined)

   commit id: "ab3b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a" type: REVERSE
   commit id: "4c0f818" type: REVERSE
   commit id: "221d22" type: REVERSE

Git Squash

There actually isn’t a squash command, but a few ways to squash commits together

# squash last 3 commits with reset
git reset --soft HEAD~3
git commit -m "squashed last 3 commits"

Git Distributed Graphs

Git is a distributed version control system

This means it can interact with remote copies of the repository (like one hosted by github).

Remote repos have names, like “origin” (think github).

Git Graphs: Clone

Git can clone remote (non-local) repositories.

remote: origin

   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"
   commit id: "4c0f818"
   commit id: "221d22"
   branch develop
   commit id: "dc12a2"
   commit id: "ca2259"

Git Graphs: Clone

Git can clone remote (non-local) repositories.


   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"
   commit id: "4c0f818"
   commit id: "221d22"

remote: origin

   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"
   commit id: "4c0f818"
   commit id: "221d22"
   branch develop
   commit id: "dc12a2"
   commit id: "ca2259"

Git CLone

The clone command downloads a remote repository (and all its branches).

# Use http to download a repo
git clone

# Use ssh
git clone

# See all branches
git branch -a

Git Graphs: Fetch

Git can also fetch new branches since clone.


   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"
   commit id: "4c0f818"
   commit id: "221d22"

remote: origin

   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"
   commit id: "4c0f818"
   commit id: "221d22"
   branch develop
   commit id: "dc12a2"
   commit id: "ca2259"

Git Graphs: Fetch

Git can also fetch new branches since clone.


   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"
   commit id: "4c0f818"
   commit id: "221d22"
   branch develop
   commit id: "dc12a2"
   commit id: "ca2259"

remote: origin

   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"
   commit id: "4c0f818"
   commit id: "221d22"
   branch develop
   commit id: "dc12a2"
   commit id: "ca2259"

Git Fetch

Git fetch gets specific info from a remote repo (like a small clone).

# fetch branch
git fetch branch_1
git checkout branch_1

# fetch all branches not on local
git fetch --all

# fetch tags
git fetch --tags

Git Fetch

Note: After cloning it may appear not all branches were downloaded. Just make sure to use the -a flag on branch to see them. All you need to do is checkout one of the remote branches to make a it a local one.

# list all branches (note the origin/branch_1)
git branch -a

# checkout branch, making a local copy in process
git checkout branch_1

Git Graphs: Push

We push local changes to the remote repo.


   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"
   commit id: "4c0f818"
   commit id: "221d22"
   branch develop
   commit id: "dc12a2"
   commit id: "ca2259"
   commit id: "5dab5d"

remote: origin

   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"
   commit id: "4c0f818"
   commit id: "221d22"
   branch develop
   commit id: "dc12a2"
   commit id: "ca2259"

Git Push

The push command shares local commits/branches with a remote repo. If the local and remote history have diverged you may have to force the push. Careful though, make sure no one else depends on that history!

# Push new commits on main to origin's main branch
Git push origin main

# Push a new branch to origin
git push origin branch_1

# Force push a rebased branch
git push origin branch_2 --force

Git Graphs: Push

We push local changes to the remote repo.


   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"
   commit id: "4c0f818"
   commit id: "221d22"
   branch develop
   commit id: "dc12a2"
   commit id: "ca2259"
   commit id: "5dab5d"

remote: origin

   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"
   commit id: "4c0f818"
   commit id: "221d22"
   branch develop
   commit id: "dc12a2"
   commit id: "ca2259"
   commit id: "5dab5d"

Git Graphs: Pull

We pull changes from remote to local (fetch + merge).


   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"
   commit id: "4c0f818"
   commit id: "221d22"
   branch develop
   commit id: "dc12a2"
   commit id: "ca2259"

remote: origin

   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"
   commit id: "4c0f818"
   commit id: "221d22"
   branch develop
   commit id: "dc12a2"
   commit id: "ca2259"
   commit id: "5dab5d"

Git Pull

The pull command is used to fetch and merge changes from a remote repo into your current branch.

# Update main branch with commits from remote main
git pull origin main

Git Graphs: Pull

We pull changes from remote to local (fetch + merge).


   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"
   commit id: "4c0f818"
   commit id: "221d22"
   branch develop
   commit id: "dc12a2"
   commit id: "ca2259"
   commit id: "5dab5d"

remote: origin

   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"
   commit id: "4c0f818"
   commit id: "221d22"
   branch develop
   commit id: "dc12a2"
   commit id: "ca2259"
   commit id: "5dab5d"

Git Graphs: Fork

fork creates remote clones.

remote: origin

   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"
   commit id: "4c0f818"
   commit id: "221d22"
   branch develop
   commit id: "dc12a2"
   commit id: "ca2259"
   commit id: "5dab5d"

Git Fork

There is no fork command. Forking done from Github’s web interface.

Git Graphs: Fork

fork creates remote clones.

remote: fork

   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"
   commit id: "4c0f818"
   commit id: "221d22"
   branch develop
   commit id: "dc12a2"
   commit id: "ca2259"
   commit id: "5dab5d"

remote: origin

   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"
   commit id: "4c0f818"
   commit id: "221d22"
   branch develop
   commit id: "dc12a2"
   commit id: "ca2259"
   commit id: "5dab5d"

Other Useful Git Commands

  • checkout - Move HEAD to different location (commit or branch)
  • log - Display info about previous commits
  • status - Show local state (current branch) and unsaved changes
  • show - Show info about a git object
  • stash - Save changes outside of a commit

Knowledge Check

Name that Git Command (1)

   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"

Knowledge Check

Name that Git Command (1)

   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"
   branch develop

Knowledge Check

Name that Git Command (2)

   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"

Knowledge Check

Name that Git Command (2)

   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"
   commit id: "4c0f818"

Knowledge Check

Name that Git Command (3)

remote: origin

   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"
   commit id: "4c0f818"
   branch develop
   commit id: "34ad12"

Knowledge Check

Name that Git Command (3)


   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"
   commit id: "4c0f818"

remote: origin

   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"
   commit id: "4c0f818"
   branch develop
   commit id: "34ad12"

Knowledge Check

Name that Git Command (4)


   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"
   commit id: "4c0f818"

remote: origin

   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"

Knowledge Check

Name that Git Command (4)


   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"
   commit id: "4c0f818"

remote: origin

   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"
   commit id: "4c0f818"

Knowledge Check

Name that Git Command (5)

   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"
   branch develop
   commit id: "4c0f818"
   checkout main
   commit id: "14359ab"
   commit id: "a2b55ce"

Knowledge Check

Name that Git Command (5)

   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"
   commit id: "14359ab"
   commit id: "a2b55ce"
   branch develop
   commit id: "4c0f818"

Common Workflow

fork a repo

remote: origin

   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"
   commit id: "4c0f818"
   commit id: "221d22"

Common Workflow

fork a repo

remote: fork

   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"
   commit id: "4c0f818"
   commit id: "221d22"

remote: origin

   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"
   commit id: "4c0f818"
   commit id: "221d22"

Common Workflow

clone the fork

remote: fork

   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"
   commit id: "4c0f818"
   commit id: "221d22"

Common Workflow

clone the fork


   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"
   commit id: "4c0f818"
   commit id: "221d22"

remote: fork

   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"
   commit id: "4c0f818"
   commit id: "221d22"

Common Workflow

branch to create a new feature


   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"
   commit id: "4c0f818"
   commit id: "221d22"

Common Workflow

branch to create a new feature


   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"
   commit id: "4c0f818"
   commit id: "221d22"
   branch new_feature

Common Workflow

Write some code, add, commit


   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"
   commit id: "4c0f818"
   commit id: "221d22"
   branch new_feature

Common Workflow

Write some code, add, commit


   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"
   commit id: "4c0f818"
   commit id: "221d22"
   branch new_feature
   commit id: "a342bc"
   commit id: "adeb12"

Common Workflow

push new code to fork


   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"
   commit id: "4c0f818"
   commit id: "221d22"
   branch new_feature
   commit id: "a342bc"
   commit id: "adeb12"

remote: fork

   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"
   commit id: "4c0f818"
   commit id: "221d22"

Common Workflow

push new code to fork


   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"
   commit id: "4c0f818"
   commit id: "221d22"
   branch new_feature
   commit id: "a342bc"
   commit id: "adeb12"

remote: fork

   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"
   commit id: "4c0f818"
   commit id: "221d22"
   branch new_feature
   commit id: "a342bc"
   commit id: "adeb12"

Common Workflow

Submit a pull request to add changes to origin/main.

Get it approved!

Common Workflow

squash commits on branch

remote: fork

   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"
   commit id: "4c0f818"
   commit id: "221d22"
   branch new_feature
   commit id: "a342bc"
   commit id: "adeb12"

Common Workflow

squash commits on branch

remote: fork

   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"
   commit id: "4c0f818"
   commit id: "221d22"
   branch new_feature
   commit id: "ba34dc"

Common Workflow

merge remote/new_feature into origin/main

remote: fork

   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"
   commit id: "4c0f818"
   commit id: "221d22"
   branch new_feature
   commit id: "ba34dc"

remote: origin

   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"
   commit id: "4c0f818"
   commit id: "221d22"

Common Workflow

merge remote/new_feature into origin/main

remote: fork

   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"
   commit id: "4c0f818"
   commit id: "221d22"
   branch new_feature
   commit id: "ba34dc"

remote: origin

   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"
   commit id: "4c0f818"
   commit id: "221d22"
   commit id: "ba34dc"

Git Ignore

Git can ignore certain files, or patterns, with a single file called “.gitignore”.

# pycharm

# Ipython stuff

# linux/osx garbage

Branching Strategies: Versioning

e.g, 1.2.3
  • CalVer is also becoming popular
# YY.MM (Ubuntu)
# YY.MINOR.MICRO (boltons)

Branching Strategies

  • Main only
  • Single Trunk
  • Double Trunk

Branching: Main Only

  • Working by yourself
  • You only need checkpoints not branches
  • Easiest strategy

   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a"
   commit id: "4c0f818"
   commit id: "221d22"

Branching: Single Trunk

  • Features and Bug fixes in separate branches
  • All branches merge back to main
  • Version bump depends on recent commits
  • Main is always deployable

   commit id: "9d6b7c"
   commit id: "046a7a" tag: "v1.0.1"
   branch bug_fix_1
   commit id: "6bc3a3"
   commit id: "f23da3"
   checkout main
   branch feature_1
   commit id: "4c0f818"
   commit id: "221d22"
   commit id: "ac1d25"
   checkout main
   merge bug_fix_1 tag: "v1.0.2"
   merge feature_1 tag: "v1.1.0"

Branching: Double Trunk

  • Features and Bug fixes in separate branches
  • Features merge to develop, bug fixes to main
  • Bug fix releases are done on main
  • Develop is merged into main for feature releases
  • Main is merged into develop

Branching: Double Trunk

   commit id: "ab3490"
   branch develop
   commit id: "ac231c"
   commit id: "0931dc"

   checkout main
   commit id: "046a7a" tag: "v1.0.0"
   branch bug_fix_1
   commit id: "6bc3a3"
   commit id: "f23da3"
   checkout main
   merge bug_fix_1 tag: "v1.0.1"
   checkout develop
   branch feature_1
   commit id: "4c0f818"
   commit id: "221d22"
   checkout develop
   merge feature_1
   checkout main
   merge develop tag: "v1.1.0"

Summary: the Tools

  • add - Stage changes
  • commit - Save changes (with metadata)
  • clone - Download remote repo
  • checkout - Move HEAD to specific branch/commit
  • branch - Create new branch
  • merge - Merge branches
  • pull - Get changes from remote
  • fetch - Get branch/tags from remote
  • push - Push changes to remote