Course Setup
In order to use class time effectively, please do the following before the course starts:
Create a Github Account
Go to Github’s website and click sign up on the top right. Of course, if you already have a github account you can skip this step.
Setup Git
Here we will make sure your git installation is working and configured properly to push to github. If you know git is already installed on your machine and you have recently pushed content to a github repo you can skip this section.
- Make sure you have git installed.
- Create a personal repo called “git_test”
- Clone your repo
with https
git clone{your_user_name}/git_test
or with ssh
git clone{your_user_name}/git_test
- Configure your username/email address
git config --global "FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME"
git config --global ""
- Make a small change
Simply add a file called README.txt to the local branch of the repository (where you git cloned the repo) and write some text in there such as “this is a test”
- Stage the change
git add -A
- Commit the change
git commit -m "test message"
- Push to origin
git push origin main
or if master is the name of the default branch
git push origin master
If this works you are good to go. If not, see the following note.
Setup Python Environment
There are several ways to setup python but we recommend using conda. You may also want to create a virtual environment for the course.
All the packages you will need for the assignments can be installed with the following command:
python -m pip install -r